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Tag search results for: "one lord"
Abraham Kutty PG

Moses proclaimed to Israel, Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD. Deut. 6:4

We are second Israel in the New Testament times. Why we need 3 (trinity) gods?

So, anybody need trinity, they are not in the New Testament lsrael group. They are enemies to ONE GOD. Enemies will finally land in lake of fire.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever.

The God of Israel any time in the old testament said, "believe in trinity?

The prophets any time said "believe in trinity"?

When God manifested in flesh, Jesus any time taught the people, "believe in trinity?

After Jesus' ascension, his disciples any time preached "believe in trinity"?

The answer is NO.

so, the trinity doctrine is pagan, satanic and devlish and those who follow are entangled in the sin chain, pulling them to Hell fire.

Since we are second Israrel, we need the same God of Old Testament, that is our LORD JESUS CHRIST.




Abraham Kutty PG May 28 '19 · Tags: one lord