Proof that Obama is a Muslim

Basic and irrefutable

The Wall

Dennis Gyermeke
Jul 9 '13
Remember: God is using this man... does the potter make the vessel? Yes
Many places in the Bible we are told that God hardened the heart of a King or people to discipline His Children, Israel. We are in the time of the Gentiles, and it is our turn (North America) to pray or perish.
Remember: God is using this man... does the potter make the vessel? Yes
Many places in the Bible we are told that God hardened the heart of a King or...See more
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Bro Steve Winter DD
Jul 9 '13
I cannot know to refute what you say about God using him, but we can easily see that the devil Obama serves is using him greatly.
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Dennis Gyermeke
Jul 21 '13
I agree that Satan is using the Global Wold View to destroy the Biblical World View and the name of Jesus. Prez Obama has done only what he has been ALLOWED to do so far as it moves the Purposes of God forward (isaiah 55:11, 1Corinthians 1:18) as He [God] examines our hearts and motives to see if we will turn to the left or the see if we are hoping for that Country which is not here but eternally with Him. It's not easy....I fail every day. (Romans 7)
I agree that Satan is using the Global Wold View to destroy the Biblical World View and the name of Jesus. Prez Obama has done only what he has been ALLOWED...See more
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Dirk Human
Aug 22 '14
I'm not American but we do follow International news. This is the first time I've seen this abomination. What a revelation. It's certainly time to pray.
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Joyce White
Nov 16 '15
The heart like clay responds to God because of what it is made of. God does not want anyone to not be saved. All have the choice. But, when we reject God that is our own fault not matter who we be.
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Prince Turay Emmanuel
Nov 17 '15
No matter what happen we need to be mindful of our soul,the enemy is infuriated and hate the children of God, but we have overcome,
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Ruth Thompson
Dec 11 '15
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