We appreciate your help getting this started up. There is a need for a non-fb social network site and we wish to offer this one for conservative Christians and those so inclined.
I seem to be having a problem uploading/attaching photos to the newsreel. They upload just fine and stay there on the newsfeed for a little while and then the photo/picture disappears and just the words are left. Is this normal? Is anyone else having trouble?
I seem to be having a problem uploading/attaching photos to the newsreel. They upload just fine and stay there on the newsfeed for a little while and then t...See more
If it is on the Main page try refreshing the page in your browser after uploading and see if it is there then. If it is on your Dashboard then maybe the file is too large.
Blogs and forums here are public and viewable by the general public. The things on your personal page are supposed to be for members only. But don't ever post anything on the internet that you want to be private.
Blogs and forums here are public and viewable by the general public. The things on your personal page are supposed to be for members only. But don't ever po...See more
The Wall