Fake staged fainting incident with Obama was one of many | Forum

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Site Admin Oct 24 '13

Obama Fainting – Karmel Allison Was Not the First Staged Fainting, She Was the 7th.


So, many of us have seen or heard the news about Karmel Allison, the pregnant woman in a bright red dress, who stared off into space as she wobbled back and forth behind Barack Obama during his speech about the train wreck that is socialized medicine (aka Obamacare) in the Rose Garden on Monday. Well, this isn’t the first time this has been staged. Yes, I said staged. These things seem to be a common occurrence when Obama is around. To make the point, TeamWakeEmUp has put together a little clip in which Obama attempts to stop the show and demonstrate how compassionate he is by making sure the person is OK. Usually a bottle of water, not health insurance, is all that is needed.

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