Hitler Lite in action violating peoples rights | Forum

Site Admin
Site Admin Oct 6 '13

While our president still enjoys his essential employees and locations: the White House chefs, Camp David, and a military golf course, there doesn't seem to be any question that in mercenary pursuit of a political win, this White House is determined to unreasonably punish as many everyday people as possible. And this includes children sick with cancer. That might sound like hyperbole, but it is not.

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Site Admin
Site Admin Oct 6 '13

More about our little Hitler wannabe POTUS


Obama's Park Service kicks owners out of private Lake Mead homes over shutdown

October 6, 2013 It appears that private property rights are the latest casualty in the shutdown started by Sen. Harry Reid's "my way or the highway" stand on Obamacare funding. Some 60 families have been kicked out of their privately-owned homes on Lake Mead by National Parks Service personnel as a result of the partial government shutdown, Newsmax reported Sunday.

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Site Admin
Site Admin Oct 6 '13

More about our "Hitler Lite" Obama

Troops Forage for Food While Golfers Play On in Shutdown


Grocery stores on Army bases in the U.S. are closed. The golf course at Andrews Air Force base is open.

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Site Admin
Site Admin Oct 6 '13

Spiteful Obama Blocks Off View of Mt. Rushmore


In yet another truly disgusting move that reeks of spitefulness, the National Park Service, under orders from Obama, have been blocking off all of the viewing areas of Mt. Rushmore with cones. Not only did they close down the park that the monument is located in, but they are now blocking off any and all spots along the roads surrounding the park that provide a viewing spot for picture taking. The state government of South Dakota has expressed their displeasure with the administration, and even offered to pay any maintenance costs that may be incurred in keeping the park open. The National Park Service declined South Dakota’s offer. 

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Site Admin
Site Admin Oct 6 '13


Just before the weekend, the National Park Service informed charter boat captains in Florida that the Florida Bay was "closed" due to the shutdown. Until government funding is restored, the fishing boats are prohibited from taking anglers into 1,100 square-miles of open ocean. Fishing is also prohibited at Biscayne National Park during the shutdown. 

The Forum post is edited by Site Admin Oct 6 '13
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Site Admin
Site Admin Oct 7 '13

Park Service: No to vets, yes to immigration rally on 'closed' National Mall 


October 7, 2013 The National Mall is closed due to the partial shutdown prompted by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's "my way or the highway" stand on Obamacare funding, but the Washington Examiner reported Monday that the Park Service is allowing an immigration reform rally to take place on the Mall on Tuesday. 

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Site Admin
Site Admin Oct 7 '13

Obama Administration Threatens To Arrest Military Chaplains For PRAYING During Govt. Shutdown 


The First Amendment is very clear. Its first words state that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The Obama administration, however, seems to need a refresher course on this core freedom. It has announced that, during the shutdown, contract military chaplains are prohibited from exercising their faith by performing the mass or otherwise ministering to their military flock. This is a big deal because the military does not have enough chaplains to serve the troops’ needs, so they have to reach out to the civilian sector to hire chaplains. 

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Site Admin
Site Admin Oct 8 '13

Unbelievable! Barack Obama’s Government Actually Throwing People out of Their Private Homes Over Democrat Shutdown


People who have, in some cases, owned their Lake Mead homes since the 70′s are now homeless thanks to Barack Obama and his administration’s nasty attempt to harm America through a shutdown. Lake Mead residents were forced to vacate their homes, located on federal land (even though they own the homes outright), and cannot go back until Obama decides to reopen the property.

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Site Admin
Site Admin Oct 8 '13

Police Arrest Veterans At Vietnam War Memorial 


Police arrested anti-war veterans and other protesters at the Vietnam war memorial in New York City late Monday night after they refused to vacate the area after the 10 p.m. curfew. Some of the individuals arrested were Vietnam veterans. I always thought curfews were for children.
Veterans for Peace and other anti-war protesters met at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza in NYC on Monday night for the 12th anniversary of the “invasion and occupation of Afghanistan” and honor the fallen until morning. The Park Service rejected the group’s application to hold their demonstration at the war memorial, but they went ahead anyway. 

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Site Admin
Site Admin Oct 9 '13

Park Ranger admits being told to make life as difficult for people as possible


A federal Park Service Ranger admitted being ordered to make life as difficult as possible in order to make Americans feel the most pain as a result of the partial government shutdown brought about by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's refusal to work with Republicans on a plan to fund the government while not funding or delaying parts of Obamacare, the Washington Times reported Thursday.
“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can," an angry Park Ranger told the Times. "It’s disgusting.” 
According to the Times, the Park Service has been shutting down streets "on mere whim and caprice."
Rangers closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, the plantation home of George Washington, even though the park is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. 

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