NBC Nightly News Ignores Boston Bombers Ties To Islam | Forum

Bro Steve Winter DD
Bro Steve Winter DD Apr 21 '13

After the media spent the week praying the Boston Marathon bombers wouldn't have ties to radical Islam, it's now going to be interesting to see how they report the religious beliefs of the Tsarnaev brothers.
Failing miserably Friday was NBC's Nightly News which despite airing a 90 minute special broadcast on the ensuing manhunt in Watertown, Massachusetts, according to an examination of the closed-caption transcript didn't once mention the Tsarnaev's Muslim connection.

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Billy Vaughn
Billy Vaughn Apr 21 '13
Im a conspiricy theorist. I believe its our government framing someone. Putting fear into the hearts of the American peple, so they can bring about martial law. Possibe???
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