acts238toBsaved's blog  


This is a new spot I have been witnessing to.  This is a world wide spot and most do not know the truth as we do on bible folks.  If you want come and help me witness as you have the truth here at Bible folks. 






This is what someone emailed me today because of what I posted against their video (below)

it is so sad that people feel like this today.  We just have to keep fighting and telling them as best we can.

This is the email:;

God is punishing everyone forever because of two people that didn't even know they were doing anything wrong? I mean they literately had no possible way of knowing not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of right and wrong.

It's like me telling my son not to touch the stove because it's hot, and then when he does and burns himself; I set him on fire and then torture any children he may happen to have in the future. Granted he lives that long after his "well deserved punishment"

Click here if you want to see the video:  God is not good.