acts238toBsaved's blog

      Sometimes I get troubled by the Christian attitude towards the populous.  Jesus loved all men and gave His life for us.  He went into the synagogues and temples (although He knew they did not believe as He did) and preached to them in love. He sat and drank and ate with the winebibbers.

     I recall how in the past the Catholic church would surround villages, take their lands and any thing they had of value.  They would kill and torture the people who refused to convert to the trinity way, needless to say many were recruited that way.   Now centuries later the people still (because of blindness) follow the trinity doctrine, because they don't know any better!!  They are blind following the blind. 

     How can we reach them?  With Love, not with hatred, not with bitterness, but Love will cover a multitude of sins.  We must gently teach them the true way, taking care not to be ensnared ourselves.  These are lost souls for Christ.  Startling as it may seem souls in other churches really Love God and try to be as righteous and faithful as they know how in what they are taught, some surely put Pentecostals to shame that's for sure.   

    I remember someone saying He will use a dishonorable vessel as well as an honorable vessel, oh yeah, I remember, it was Jesus.  He loves us all.  I Love Jesus and I Love them, and I Love YOU :)

I sometimes spend hours on the web trying to tell of the Salvation of Jesus.  One of the most troubling thing I find is those LYING doctrines that "Leave OUT" important parts of Gods message.

  In particular: 

      All you have to do is believe and you shall be saved.

      All you have to do is repent then you are saved.

      That one does not have to be baptized.   (this seems to be the worse one as 

      they do not realize that baptism is for the REMISSION OF SINS, they do not

      know that NO sin shall enter therein and we must have them remitted in


      That one does not have to be immersed in water during baptism

      The important NAME of JESUS is not used, only titles.


Yes, there are scriptures that say this, but they do NOT mean that you can omit or leave out the teachings that are in Acts2:38, they cannot stop there. 


True Salvation is believing, repentance, being baptized in Jesus name by immersion and being filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues Acts2:38.  And then going on to live a holy life before God.


I'm posting this so you can be aware of the fox we are fighting as he tries to be slick, and yet SOULS MAY BE LOST by this nonsense because many people are following these demons. 


I hope you join me in this fight for the Lord today.  God Bless  :) 


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