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Bro Steve Winter DD

If you are reading this then you are a witness to a miracle demonstration of the undeserved grace of God. So what is the big deal you may ask. Well I am not dead. It is December and I am not dead. Last December I found myself after about 50 plus years of no doctor visits other than dentistsand eye surgeons because I abhor needles, doing about 7 trips to the emergency room and stays in the hospital including major surgery to remove a bunch of defective guts. I now have a semi-colon. They also accused me of stage 4 colon cancer and offered hospice or chemo.

We even had a small family party with a cake that said, "Goodbye Dr. Grandpa" which some family members found unnerving including me even though I had initially suggested it.

I tried several do it yourself cancer treatments and got tremendous support and encouragement from the internet. The only problem was that it wasn't working. I have a dear friend, a Bishop in Kenya who is somewhat annoying in his ability to foretell stuff that is going to happen. He councilled me to trust the doctors and do the prescribed treatment. To make a long story short it is December again and I am not dead, but actually getting better. With all honor and respect to the nurses and doctors at the hospital I must give Jesus Christ credit for me still being here. THANK YOU to all who have been praying for me!!


Bro. Steve Winter DD